Answer: each mesophyll in a typical leaf contains approximately 30-40 chloroplasts.
Each chloroplast has two external membranes that contain a fluid interior
known as the stroma. Another membrane system extends through the stroma.
This membrane system is repeatedly folded into numerous channels and
stacked disks known as granum (plural grana). This internal membrane system
is many times referred to as teh thylakoid membrane system
anatomy of a chloroplast
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9.3: Anatomy of Chloroplasts. Green algae and plants including green stems and unripe fruit harbor chloroplasts—the vital organelles where photosynthesis takes place. In plants the highest density of chloroplasts is found in the mesophyll cells of leaves. A double membrane surrounds chloroplasts.
Structure of Chloroplast Grana are made up of stacks of disc-shaped structures known as thylakoids. The grana of the chloroplast consists of... Stroma is the homogenous matrix which contains grana and is similar to the cytoplasm in cells in which all the...
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Chloroplasts are a type of plastid—a round oval or disk-shaped body that is involved in the synthesis and storage of foodstuffs. Chloroplasts are distinguished from other types of plastids by their green colour which results from the presence of two pigments chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.
Chloroplast anatomy is the chloroplast structurechloroplast measure 2um 5um in diameter. The stromal lamellae keep the thylakoid stacks at set distances from each other. The stacks of sacks are connected to each other by stromal lamellae. A chloroplast contains a green pigment called chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis.
Structure Envelope. The chloroplast envelope is double-membrane structure comprising an outer and an inner membrane. Each of these... Stroma. The aqueous matrix present inside this...
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