Answer: congressional monitoring of the activities of excutive branch agencies to
determine, if the laws are being faithfully executed.
Scrabble Points: 16
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Oversight definition is - watchful and responsible care. How to use oversight in a sentence.
The World's Leading Companies Rely on Oversight "With Oversight we have a tool to transform our audit process so our team can redirect their time on value-added tasks to run the business." Brian Friedman Director Asset Protection and Chief Security Officer HD Supply A Finance Leader's Guide to Audit and Risk Management
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Oversight : the act or activity of looking after and making decisions about something. Synonyms: administration care charge… Find the right word. SINCE 1828.
systems or actions to control an activity and make sure that it is done correctly and legally: In commodity trading key goods such as oil or uranium are traded with almost no oversight. government/regulatory oversight Lawmakers are questioning whether the industry needs more government oversight.
Oversight .gov is a publicly accessible searchable website containing the latest public reports from Federal Inspectors General who are members of the Coun...
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