Answer: to dwell on the merits
nōgaki o naraberu (能書きを並べる)
【 能書きを並べる 】 のう・がきをならべるnō·gaki o naraberu 1 die Vorzüge aufzählen; die Wirkung übertreiben. 2 ein Loblied singen auf …. Stichworte links Kanjilexikon Google Kotobank weblio 辞書 Tatoeba. Wikipedia
肩を 並べる (Idiom Japanese) /Kata- o Naraberu / (lit. to line up shoulders) 1. to walk side by side 2. (in one's presence) to rival to rank with
Conjugation table for Japanese verb naraberu - to line up list arrange in order 並べる The conjugations and English meanings are automatically generated and not all forms are always relevant for all verbs.
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The regular 下一段活用 (shimo ichidan katsuyō "lower monograde conjugation") ...
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