Answer: preposition d 1
Discover these helpful tips for parents raising children with Down syndrome.
Word Origin Old Englishdūn dūne shortened from adūne 'downward' from the phrase of dūne 'off the hill' (see down3).
Scrabble Points: 8
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Definition of down (Entry 1 of 9) 1 a (1) : toward or in a lower physical position Don't look down. Pull down the blind.
Define down . down synonyms down pronunciation down translation English dictionary definition of down . adv. 1. a. From a higher to a lower place or position: hiked ...
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The Official website for DOWN is the best place for news merchandise VIP ticketing and more. The band consists of Phil Anselmo Pepper Keenan Bobby Landgraf Pat Bruders and Jimmy Bower.
Down : ...