Answer: ciment
Amazing! Belive me or not i've just installed EWQL Symphonic Orchestra which is a realistic great and paid VST (one of the best options for strings) and Cellofan proved in a few moments a better option for cello! Much better quality than i would expect from a free VST.
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Cellofan is a classical cello vst plug-in. Name *. Email *. Website. Save my name email and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Cellophanes is Sebastian's breakthrough semi-permanent color shine in 11 shades – plus Clear – of ammonia-free colorizing gloss treatment. Inspired by the vibrant natural colors in the spice souks of Tunisia Cellophanes was the world's first semi-permanent professional color launched in 1976. Cellophanes has a formula that strengthens ...
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A Wikipédiából a szabad enciklopédiából. A celofán cellulóz alapanyagú vékony átlátszó (műanyagfóliához hasonló kinézetű) anyag. Szárazon nem engedi át a levegőt a vízpárát kissé merev állagú. Nedvesen könnyen hajlítható. A szó a cellulóz és a görög phaino (φαίνω: felfed megmutat ...
Cellofan är en genomskinlig och genomsynlig tunn fol...