Answer: penetrated
Scrabble Points: 13
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2 of a musical interval : made one half step greater than major or perfect an augmented fifth First Known Use of augmented 15th century in the meaning defined at sense 1 History and Etymology for augmented
20 synonyms of augmented from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus plus 33 related words definitions and antonyms. Find another word for augmented . Augmented : to make greater in size amount or number.
adjective music (of an interval) increased or expanded from the state of being perfect or major by the raising of the higher note or the dropping of the lower note by one semitoneC to G is a perfect fifth but C to G sharp is an augmented fifth Compare diminished (def. 2)
1. (Music other) music(of an interval) increased or expanded from the state of being perfect or major by the raising of the higher note or the dropping of the lower note by one sem...