Answer: to sting, to have a prick, to prickle, to tingle
chikuchiku suru (ちくちくする/痛む)
Search only for chikuchiku suru (ちくちくする/痛む)
Need to translate " ちくちくする " ( Chikuchiku suru ) from Japanese? Here are 2 possible meanings.
chikuchiku suru ちくちくする to be itchy. Example. この セーターは ちくちく します。 This sweater feels itchy. Tags for this word.
" Chiku chiku " is a kind of onomatopoeia and it represents to stick a needle repeatedly. " Chiku chiku " is a kind of onomatopoeia and it represents being stuck with a needle repeatedly. For example you can say "me ga chiku chiku suru " (目が ちくちくする - I feel my eyes prickle.)
CHIKU CHIKU ( ちくちく /チクチク) " CHIKU CHIKU " means pricking. It is like somebody is poking you with a needle. Conversation-1 高田:きのう 買った セーター* 背中*が ちくちく する … Takada: Kinoo katta seetaa* senaka* ga CHIKU CHIKU suru … Takada: The sweater I bought yesterday fe...