What WWII conference established the joint chiefs of staff?

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What WWII Conference established the Joint Chief of Staff? President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill established the Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) during the 1942 Arcadia Conference. The CCS would serve as the supreme military body for strategic direction of the combined U.S.–British Empire war effort.

What WWII conference established the Joint Chiefs of Staff? First Washington Conference (ARCADIA ) 2. 1949 Amendment is when DoD was established and moved out of line with the JCS placed directly below Exec level (president) 3. 1986 Goldwater Nichols Act: defense reorganization – improved quality military advice a.

What WWII conference established the JOINT Chiefs of Staff? first Washington Conference (ARCADIA) The 1986 goldwater-nichols act clarified the chain of command and civilian control of the u.s. military. National security agency (NSA) provides which of the following support: -solutions products and services -signals intelligence -information systems security The North American Aerospace Defense command (NORAD) is operated by which countries?

Answer: First Washington Conference (ARCADIA) What...