Answer: 2 dust balls
What dropped out of the wardrob when Lucy first opened it?
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almost sure that it would be locked. To her surprise it opened quite easily and two moth-balls dropped out. Looking into the inside she saw several coats hanging up - mostly long fur coats. There was nothing Lucy liked so much as the smell and feel of fur. She immediately stepped into the wardrobe and got
1 "Nothing there!" said Peter and they all trooped out again—all except Lucy . She stayed behind because she thought it would be worth while trying the door of the wardrobe even though she felt almost sure that it would be locked. To her surprise it opened quite easily and two moth-balls dropped out .
What dropped out of the wardrob when Lucy first opened it ? ... when he first met Lucy by the light post? ... back to the coats in the wardrobe which led them back out ...
Answers 2. Lucy's intent was to snoop in the wardrobe... she was curious nothing more. She stayed behind because she thought it would be worth while trying the door of the wardrobe even though she felt almost sure that it would be locked. To her surprise it opened quite easily and two moth-balls dropped out.
There was nothing else in the room at all except a dead blue bottle on the window-sill. ...the little white balls that fall out of the wardrobe: Those are moth balls. Their inclusion is a reference to a line from the book: "To her surprise it opened quite easily and two moth-balls dropped out." Ed...
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