Answer: lukewarm
Translate Tibio . See 4 authoritative translations of Tibio in English with example sentences phrases and audio pronunciations.
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tibio -: Combining form denoting the tibia. [L. tibia the shinbone]
ponerse tibio loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza" "acusar recibo"). coloquial (hartarse de comida) pig out v expr verbal expression : Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example "put their heads together " "come to an end."
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tibio . adj. 1 [comida líquido] lukewarm tepid. 2 [creencia] half-hearted. [persona] lukewarm. [recibimiento] cool unenthusiastic. estar tibio con algn to be cool to sb behave distantly towards sb. MODISMOS poner tibio a algn * (=insultar) to hurl abuse at sb give sb a verbal battering (por ...