Answer: Sugar act (1764 molasses) Stamp Act (1765, all legal documents, plus dice,
and almanacs, playing cards)
taxes Grenville wanted to pass
This made it even more difficult for colonists to pay their debts and taxes. Soon after Parliament passed the Currency Act Prime Minister Grenville proposed a Stamp Tax. This law would require colonists to purchase a government-issued stamp for legal documents and other paper goods.
Demonstrating his lack of finesse Grenville called the American colonists the 'least taxed people in the world' and demanded they pay a higher share of the British war debt through taxes. Under ...
At the time of the passage of the Sugar Act in April 1764 Grenville made it clear that the right to tax the colonies was not in question and that additional taxes might follow including a stamp tax. The Glorious Revolution had established the principle of parliamentary supremacy. Control of colonial trade and manufactures extended this principle across the ocean.
George Grenville (born October 14 1712—died November 13 1770 London England) English politician whose policy of taxing the American colonies initiated by his Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765 started the train of events leading to the American Revolution. He entered Parliament in 1741 one of the "cousinhood" of men interrelated by blood or marriage and further united in their opposition to Sir Robert Walpole who held power from 1721 to 1742 and practiced a policy of ...
I have wanted to be a veterinarian for as lon...
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