Answer: partial (one way) relationship with sovereign state; you own government,
government doesnt owe you
Word Origin Middle English (in the sense '(person) owing obedience'): from Old French suget from Latin subjectus 'brought under' past participle of subicere from sub- 'under' + jacere 'throw'. Senses relating to philosophy logic and grammar are derived ultimately from Aristotle's use of to hupokeimenon meaning 'material from which things are made' and 'subject of attributes and predicates'.
Scrabble Points: 18
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subject : [noun] one that is placed under authority or control: such as. vassal. one subject to a monarch and governed by the monarch's law. one who lives in the territory of enjoys the protection of and owes allegiance to a sovereign power or state.
The subject in a sentence or clause is the person or thing doing performing or controllingthe action of the verb. Only that which has the grammatical function of a nouncan be the subject of a clause. This is because it is someone or something that is capable of performing or "controlling" the action of the verb.
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Subject theme topic are often interchangeable to express the material being considered in a speech or written composition. Subject is a broad word for whatever is treated in writing speech art etc.: the subject for discussion. Theme and topic are usually narrower and apply to some limited or specific part of a general subject .
subject noun [C] (AREA OF DISCUSSION) B1 the thing that is being discussed considered or studied: Our subject for discussion is hom...