Answer: simple
6. (music) a. single. El primer sencillo de la banda fue un éxito total.The band's first single was a total hit. 7. (money) Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America Central America and the Caribbean. Does not include Spain. (Latin America) a. change.
Sencillo ™ - Simple Pump Systems with Custom-Built Controls. SIMPLE. That is what the word " Sencillo ™" (pronounced SEN'-see-oh) means in the Spanish language. Everything we do at Sencillo ™ is done with that in mind. When you select a Sencillo ™ system we want every aspect of doing business with us to be just that - simple.
sencillo . a adj. 1 [costumbre estilo ropa] simple. su forma de hablar es sencilla y directa his manner of speaking is simple and direct. 2 [asunto problema] simple straightforward. es un plato sencillo de hacer pero apetitoso it's a simple but tasty dish the dish is straightforward to make but tasty. 3 (=no afectado) natural unaffected.
sencillo translations: single simple simple simple plain straightforward bald ...