Answer: bitterly severe, withering; causing great harm
Scrabble Points: 14
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caustic mordant acrid scathing mean stingingly incisive. caustic suggests a biting wit. caustic comments mordant suggests a wit that is used with deadly effectiveness. mordant reviews of the play acrid implies bitterness and often malevolence. acrid invective scathing implies indignant attacks delivered with fierce severity. a scathing satire
Some common synonyms of scathing are acrid caustic and mordant. While all these words mean "stingingly incisive " scathing implies indignant attacks delivered with fierce severity.
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scathing adjective critical cutting biting harsh savage brutal searing withering belittling sarcastic caustic scornful vitriolic trenchant mordant mordacious He then launched a scathing attack on previous leaders.