Answer: regretfully
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21 synonyms of ruefully from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus plus 38 related words definitions and antonyms. Find another word for ruefully . Ruefully : with feelings of bitterness or grief.
Ruefully definition in a mournful or doleful way:I found myself sitting ruefully by the side of the road near a little town in North Carolina waiting for a tow truck.
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Ruefully - definition of ruefully by The Free Dictionary Define ruefully. ruefully synonyms ruefully pronunciation ruefully translation English dictionary definition of ruefully. adj. Causing feeling or expressing sorrow or regret: "He gave the young officer the rueful look of a father exasperated with his misbehaving son"....
The origin of the word ruefully is a Germanic word that means "repentance." But over time the word has adopted a slightly humorous tone so you can go ahead and shake your head ruefully at your friend who has just put his boot on the wrong foot — you feel a little bit sorry for him at the moment.
/ ˈruː.f ə l.i / in a way that shows that you are feeling ...