Answer: applying to prior period
Scrabble Points: 16
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Since retroactive seems to defy time's forward movement retroactive taxes laws and regulations are often seen as particularly obnoxious and unfair. But nobody ever objects to receiving a retroactive raise at work.
Retroactive : Directed by Louis Morneau. With Jim Belushi Kylie Travis Shannon Whirry Frank Whaley. A psychiatrist makes multiple trips through time to save a woman that was murdered by her brutal husband.
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operative with respect to past occurrences as a statute; retrospective: a retroactive law. pertaining to a pay raise effective as of a past date.
Define retroactive. retroactive synonyms retroactive pronunciation retroactive translation English dictionary definition of retroactive. adj. Influencing or applying to a period prior to enactment: a retroactive pay increase. ret′ro·ac′tive·ly adv. ret′ro·ac·tiv′i·ty n.
if a law decision etc. is retroactive it has effect from a date in the past before it was approved: The changes will not be retroactive. The Justice Department had opposed the retroa...
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