Answer: The Answer: The correct answer is Dog.
The Question: Which animal's nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints?
The Question: Which animal's nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints ? The Answer: The correct answer is Dog. Previous Answer: Henry Ford once worked for which renowned inventor?
Which animals nose prints are as unique as a human fingerprints ? Using pictures of a dog's nose Megvii can register the pet and scan their nose to create a profile. Dogs' noses like human fingerprints are unique to that specific animal ; your dog is in fact entirely one of a kind.
Cat Nose Prints as Unique as Human Fingerprints. Cat nose prints as unique as human fingerprints. Really? Did you know that? Yes It's true! Take a close look at your cat's nose. You will notice little bumps and ridges. (Dogs have this same unique trait and since their noses are bigger than cats' it is easier to see on a dog.)
Dog nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints. It is TRUE. A dog's nose is the equivalent of a human fingerprint with each having a unique pattern of ridges and creases.
26. 4202. Just as humans ...
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