Answer: one that precedes and announces another
Word Origin late Middle English: from Latin praecursor from praecurs- 'preceded' from praecurrere from prae 'beforehand' + currere 'to run'.
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Precursor Has Latin Roots With its prefix pre- meaning "before" a precursor is literally a "forerunner" and in fact forerunner first appeared as the translation of the Latin praecursor. But the two words function a little differently today. A forerunner may simply come before another thing but a precursor generally paves the way for something.
Some common synonyms of precursor are forerunner harbinger and herald. While all these words mean "one that goes before or announces the coming of another " precursor applies to a person or thing paving the way for the success or accomplishment of another. 18th century poets like Burns were precursors of the Romantics
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a person animal or thing that goes before and indicates the approach of someone or something else; harbinger: The first robin is a precursor of spring.
1. a person or thing that precedes as in a job or a method; predecessor. 2. a person animal or thing regarded as a harbinger: The first robin is a precursor of spring.
/ ˌpriːˈkɝː.sɚ / something that happened or ...