Answer: the meninges
nōmaku (脳膜)
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腫及び 脳膜 ヘルニアを併つた1例 を経験したのでここ に報告する. 症 例 1〕母親の所見 妊婦は31才. 3回経産婦 遺伝関係:何 ら特記事項なく血族結婚は認められず 家族歴に何ら晴型は認められない. 既往症:母 は生来健康で著患を知らない. 月経初潮
所謂硬 脳膜 内被細胞腫ハ稀有テルモノニハ非スト難モ,非ノ褒生學.止ニハ興味必ズシモ少 シトセズ.輩シRibbert舳ノ如キ他ノ漿膜ノ所謂内被細胞腫ハ撃口上皮性腫瘍テルニ反シ
Kuji-in "Nine Syllable Seals " is a specialized form of Buddhist meditation. It is derived from the Diamond Universe Nine Assemblies mandala of Shingon Buddhism. It is also used by other Buddhist sects especially in Japan; some Taoists and practitioners of Shinto and Chinese traditional religion; and in folk-magic throughout East Asia.
nōmaku sanmanda bodanan baku. Temple 2 Amida Nyorai. om amirita tesei karaun. Temple 3 Shaka Nyorai. nōmaku sanmanda ...