Answer: The political party in eac house of congress with the second most mebers
Minority Party
Minority Party in the United States Minority Party Definition in the Legislative Process The following is a definition of Minority Party by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL): The political party having fewer numbers of members in the legislature or in either chamber.
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Minor party definition is - a political party whose electoral strength is so small as to prevent its gaining control of a government except in rare and exceptional circumstances.
Legislative Politics and Policy Making. This study of the influence minority parties wield is both a major work of political science scholarship and a timely examination of an issue with real consequences for the functioning of democratic legislatures and the creation of legislation. Challenging conventional assumptions that the majority party dominates the legislature Jennifer Hayes Clark investigates precisely the ways in which—and under what conditions—members of the minority party ...
The minority leader serves as floor leader of the "loyal opposition " and is the minority counterpart to the Speaker. Although many of the basic leadership responsibilities of the minority and majority leaders are similar the minority leader speaks for minority party and its policies and works to protect the minority's rights.
A minor party is a political party that plays a smaller (in some cases much smaller even insignificant in comparison) role than a major party in a country's politics and elections. The difference between minor and major parties can be so great that the membership total donations and the candidates that they are able to produce or attract are very distinct.
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