Answer: dismissal
la sortie
à la sortie de l'école/l'usine (moment) after school/work when school/the factory comes out Attends-moi à la sortie de l'école. Meet me after school. (lieu) at the school/factory gates faire une fausse sortie (lit fig) to make a stage exit
February 2021. COVID-19: A call for donations for the survivors and victims of sexual exploitation. The Way Out is calling out for donations to help women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these women find themselves in precarious situations as they suffer from symptoms of the virus. With confinement they are often locked up with their ...
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Give - La Sortie . GIVE LIFE. A BIG thank you for your donation. 89% of prostituted women want to get out of this situation. Thanks to your donations The Way Out now offers the first shelter for victims of sexual exploitation in Quebec. Give: All donation makes a difference. Donate No...