Answer: lower, low-class, low, inferior
kakyū no (下級の)
See Also in Japanese. 下 preposition. Shita under below. 下級の adjective. Kakyū no lower grade low-class. See Also in English. grade noun.
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Genroku kakyū bushi no seikatsu / Kaga Kishirō hen. 元祿 下級 武士の生活 / 加賀樹芝朗編. Alternative titles: Ōmu rōchūki. 鸚鵡籠中記.
Genroku kakyū bushi no seikatsu / Kaga Kishirō hen. 元祿 下級 武士の生活 / 加賀樹芝朗編. Alternative titles: Ōmu rōchūki. 鸚鵡籠中記.
【 下級の 】 かきゅうの 2 kakyū no unter; nieder. Stichworte links Kanjilexikon Google Kotobank weblio ...
kakyū no (火急の) urgent pressing kamaboko (蒲鉾) boiled fish paste nonkini kamaeru (のんきに構える) to take it easy to take things easy kakushiki (格式) status formality kama o kakeru (鎌を...