Answer: a martial art
kakutōgi (格闘技)
Martial Artist Team ( 格闘技 チーム Kakutōgi Chīmu) was one of the 32 teams whom participated in the Super Sentai Strongest Battle tournament starting on B block. As the name suggests the members of the team consisted of Sentai Rangers who possessed vast martial arts experience. to be added
『J-KAKUTOGI』はボクシング、相撲、空手、相撲、RIZEN、キックボクシング、K1など 格闘技 に関する最新ニュースや気になる情報をピックアップしてお届けしています。
See more videos for Kakutōgi (格闘技)
Fighting Psyma Beast Spartan ( 格闘技 サイマ獣スパルタン Kakutōgi Saimajū Suparutan 36 42-43) is a cyclops Psyma Beast under Beast Baron Cobolda. 1 Character History 2 Personality 3 Powers and Abilities 3.1 Powers 3.2 Abilities 3.3 Weaknesses 4 Arsenal 5 Behind the Scenes 5.1 Portrayal 5.2 De...