Answer: ER+IR, yo, tú, el ella ud., nosotros, vosotros, ellos ellas uds. ENDINGS
í iste ió imos isteis ieron
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Comer: com í com iste com ió com imos com isteis com ieron . Vomitar: vomit é vomit aste vomit ó vomit amos vomit asteis vomit aron. Study these endings. JP do we have to learn the vosotros form? Yes. But how are we…. Just stick an "-is" on the tú form for goodness sakes. Irregulars. In the wild west you see there are exactly four ...
In order to conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs drop the ending and add - í -iste -ió -imos -isteis -ieron to the stem. The endings are the same for both -er and -ir verbs. -Er Verbs
í iste ió imos isteis ieron . 47 Terms. Sam_Sawyer5. Self-Taught Programmer (Praxis 5651 Study Set) Object-oriented programming. software system life cycle. top ...
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í iste ió imos isteis ieron Imperfect ER / IR ía ías ía íamos íais ían +24 m...
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