Answer: to pay for
Word Origin late Middle English (in the general sense 'spend money'): from French défrayer from dé- (expressing removal) + obsolete frai 'cost expenses' (from medieval Latin fredum 'a fine for breach of the peace').
Scrabble Points: 13
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Defray definition is - to provide for the payment of : pay. How to use defray in a sentence.
to bear or pay all or part of (the costs expenses etc.): The grant helped defray the expenses of the trip.
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Define defray . defray synonyms defray pronunciation defray translation English dictionary definition of defray . tr.v. de·frayed de·fray·ing de·frays To undertake the payment of ; pay. de·fray′a·ble adj. de·fray′al n.
to pay or provide all or part of the money for costs or expenses: defray costs/expenses A temporary tax rebate was available to help multinational corporations defray their business costs. (Definition of defray from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
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