Answer: n. alarming dismay or concern
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Word Origin early 17th century: from Latin consternatio(n-) from the verb consternare 'lay prostrate terrify' (see consternate).
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Kids Definition of consternation : a strong feeling of surprise or sudden disappointment that causes confusion But then Dopey Lekisch called out in consternation "The messenger himself will trample the treasure." — Isaac Bashevis Singer Zlateh the Goat
Consternation is a noun that can stop you in your tracks because it means "a sudden alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay." If you have a sense of consternation you have become afraid disoriented or completely befuddled. It comes from the Latin roots con - and - sternare which means "spread out."
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noun a sudden alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay. OTHER WORDS FOR consternation bewilderment alarm terror fear panic fright horror.
consternation : noun affright agitation alarm anxious concern anxiousness ...