Answer: no problem!
c'est pas grave !
Ce n'est pas grave is a way of brushing off something that was just said or done and the French use it all the time in all kinds of situations such as responding to apologies clearing up misunderstandings or letting others know that they're unhurt after for example falling off a bike. Informally it's often shortened to c'est pas grave. For example:
Ce n'est pas grave is an extremely common French expression that one typically both hears and uses on an almost daily basis. It's easy to learn and even easier to use in conversation. It's easy to learn and even easier to use in conversation.
See more videos for C'est Pas Grave !
French Le nom est effrayant mais c ' est pas grave . It sounds bad but uh it 's okay. French C ' est pas grave Dave éclate-toi. It's all right Dave have a good time. French Jim c ' est pas grave . Jim it's not a big deal. French C ' est pas grave . It's okay you know. French C ' est pas grave .
C'est Pas Grave Lyrics: Nif chrif sel3a la mama / Wesh al kwach Hay Salama / Rwappa mja7em hako kmama / Rap lmeghribi haz 4 l3alama / ...
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