Answer: The process of alloting congressional seats to each state followingthe
decennial census according to their proportion of the population
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the apportionment of the estate will happen this Friday Recent Examples on the Web Eventually in the 1960s the Supreme Court said that was unconstitutional declaring that apportionment of seats must reflect the principle of one person one vote.
Apportionment is one of the most important functions of the decennial census. Apportionment measures the population so that seats in the U.S. House of Representatives can be correctly apportioned among the states. Until the middle of the twentieth century Congress enacted new apportionment legislation following almost every census.
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apportionment The allocation of seats in a legislature or of taxes according to a plan. In the United States Congress for example the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state whereas the apportionment in the Senate is based on equal representation for every state.
Apportionment by act of the parties Where a lessee is evicted from or surrenders or forfeits possession of part of the property leased to him he becomes liable at common law to pay only a rent apportioned to the value of the interest which he still retains.
In the general sense distribution for planning of limited resources among competing ...
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