Answer: mass production of interchangeable parts
American system of manufactures
American system of manufacturing Use of machinery. English machine tool manufacturer Joseph Whitworth was appointed as a British commissioner for the New... Other characteristics. The American system contributed to efficiency gains through division of labor. Division of labor... History. In the late ...
The American System of Manufactures was an innovative method for producing finished goods. In essence the American System of Manufactures relied on precision machining of parts so that the total product was standardized and featured interchangeable parts. The earliest practitioners of the American System were small arms manufacturers.
The American system of manufacturing was a set of manufacturing methods that evolved in the 19th century. The two notable features were extensive use of interchangeable parts and ' [\ []\] extensive use of mechanization to produce them which resulted in more efficient use of labor compared to hand methods. The system was also known as armory practice because it was first fully developed in armories namely the Springfield and Harpers Ferry U.S. Federal armories their inside contractors ...
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The American system of manufacturing first appeared in the 1800s. During this time the U.S. military expanded upon several existing manufacturing methods to produce a new more efficient system. Known as both "army practice" and the "American system of manufacturing " the new...