Answer: y = 1/x. As one quantity increases the other decreases
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Definition of inverse variation. 1 : mathematical relationship between two variables which can be expressed by an equation in which the product of two variables is equal to a constant. 2 : an equation or function expressing inverse variation — compare direct variation.

Inverse variation means that a variable is inversely varying with respect to another variable. Hence a variable is inversely proportional to another variable. For example: if the distance travelled by train at constant speed increases then the time taken by it increases too and vice versa.

Inverse Variation. While direct variation describes a linear relationship between two variables inverse variation describes another kind of relationship. For two quantities with inverse variation as one quantity increases the other quantity decreases.

The concept of inverse variation is summarized by the equation below. Key Ideas of Inverse Variation We say that y varies inversely with x if y is expressed as the product of some constant number k and the reciprocal of x .

about mathwords. website feedback. Inverse Variation. Inverse Proportion. Inversely Proportional. A relations...