Answer: estar a punto de
to be about to
Be (just) about to allows us to express an imminent action or a very near future: The train is just about to leave. The train will leave very soon. I was about to be promoted when the new boss took over. I was going to be promoted when the new boss arrived at the company. Remember ( be ) about (without " to ") is often used to find out or express what the subject or content is.
" To be about to ": Past and Future Tenses Using this expression in other tenses is very simple! You just need to conjugate the verb "to be" correctly. Remember that the past tense forms of the verb "to be" are "was" and "were" and that in the future it is "will be".
adjective If you are about to do something you are going to do it very soon. If something is about to happen it will happen very soon. I think he's about to leave.
In English grammar the construction to be about to is used to express an imminent event. Such a happening means precisely that one is going to do something in the next seconds or minutes (or when not related to persons: something is going to happen)....