Answer: el bloc
African Americans are twice as likely to be amputated compared to Caucasians due to PAD. If you need help finding a PAD specialist near you use our Find a Doctor tool here.
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PAD symptoms are often treatable.
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Amputation is among the most severe
ways PAD can affect the ...
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Diabetes is a powerful peripheral
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Peripheral artery disease (also called peripheral arterial disease) is a common circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to your limbs. When you develop peripheral artery disease ( PAD ) your legs or arms — usually your legs — don't receive enough blood flow to keep up with demand.
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD ) Peripheral arterial disease (PAD ) in the legs or lower extremities is the narrowing or blockage of the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the legs. It is primarily caused by the buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries which is called atherosclerosis. PAD can happen in any blood vessel but it is more ...
Symptoms and Diagnosis of PAD . The most common symptom of lower-extremity peripheral artery disease is painful muscle cramping in the hips thighs or calves when walking climbing stairs or exercising. The pain of PAD often goes away when you stop exercising although this may take a few minutes. Working muscles need more blood flow.
Peripheral artery disease sometimes called peripheral arterial disease or PAD is a condition in which your arteries are narrowed and can't carry as much blood to the outer p...