Answer: a discrepancy of what seems to be and what really is.
Irony of Circumstance
Thus irony of life or circumstance may be defined as a situation which is the exact opposite of what has been expected and desired. Such a situation seems to have been contrived by malignant fate. Hence it is also called irony of Fate. Thus irony of Fate Circumstances or Life lies in the frustration of human aspirations.
Irony of circumstances. Posted on September 4 2017 by piyush1751995. Two men walking by Or rather running What they want to try Answer to this stunning. With a little observation Anyone can recognise Created by this situation
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Irony of circumstance or situational irony occurs when a character or reader expects one thing to happen but something else happens. Dramatic irony occurs in this story because the reader...
Irony is most often defined as a contrast between expectat...