Answer: (v.) to remove by cutting; (n.) an indirect tax on the manufacture sale, or
distribution of a commodity or service
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Word Origin late 15th century (in the general sense 'a tax or toll'): from Middle Dutch excijs accijs perhaps based on Latin accensare 'to tax' from ad- 'to' + census 'tax' (see census).
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Excise takes part of its meaning from the prefix ex- "out". A writer may excise long passages of a novel to reduce it to a reasonable length or a film director may excise a scene that might give offense. A surgeon may excise a large cancerous tumor or make a tiny excision to examine an organ's tissue.
[ ek-sīz´] to remove by cutting. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine Nursing and Allied Health Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
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Per gallon of solvent purchased. chlorine-based - $10.00. petroleum-based - $2.00. green solvents - $1.75 (or $0.35 when used at a virgin facility) Annual fee varies from $1 500 to $5 000 depending on type and gallons of solvents used ( Click here for specific fees) Electricity Excise Tax. Municipal systems and Electric.
Excise taxes are taxes required on specific goods or services like fuel tobacco and alcohol. Excise taxes are primarily taxes that must be paid by businesses usually increasing prices for...
Telecommunications Excise Tax Act (TETA) The tax is imposed on intrastate messages as well as interstate messages (i.e. those that originate or terminate in Illinoi...