What is a p-value?What does the p-value mean in words?

In null hypothesis significance testing the p-value is the probability of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the results actually observed under the assumption that the null hypothesis …

In statistics a p- value is the probability that the null hypothesis (the idea that a theory being tested is false) gives for a specific experimental result to happen. p- value is also called probability value.If the p- value is low the null hypothesis is unlikely and the experiment has statistical significance as evidence for a different theory.. In many fields an experiment must have a p ...

Misuse of p-values is common in scientific research and scientific education. p-values are often used or interpreted incorrectly; the American Statistical Association states that p-values can indicate how incompatible the data are with a specified statistical model. From a Neyman–Pearson hypothesis testing approach to statistical inferences the data obtained by comparing the p-value to a significance level will yield one of two results: either the null hypothesisis rejected (which however does not prove that the nul…

The p-value was devised as an informal but ob...