Answer: NOTThe input or dependent variable is enrollment.
According to the scatterplot below which statement is correct?

In statistics dispersion (also called variability scatter or spread) is the extent to which a distribution is stretched or squeezed. Common examples of measures of statistical dispersion are the variance standard deviation and interquartile range.. Dispersion is contrasted with location or central tendency and together they are the most used properties of distributions.

In physics Bragg's law Wulff–Bragg's condition or Laue-Bragg interference a special case of Laue diffraction gives the angles for coherent scattering of waves from a crystal lattice. It encompasses the superposition of wave fronts scattered by lattice planes leading to a strict relation between wavelength and scattering angle or else to the wavevector transfer with respect to the ...

Tue Oct 22 2002 14:30:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) · Pattern recognition is the automated recognition of patterns and regularities in data.It has applications in statistical data analysis signal processing image analysis information retrieval bioinformatics data compression computer graphics and machine learning.Pattern recognition has its origins in statistics and engineering; some modern approaches to pattern recognition include the use ...

Hubble's law also known as the Hubble–LemaĆ®tre law is the observation in physical cosmo...