Answer: Asexual reproduction occurs rapidly enabling a population to increase rapidly; however the offspring are genetically identical and may not survive a change in the environment. Sexual reproduction takes longer so a population does not grow fast; however the offspring have a mix of genetic material from two parents that might help the population survive if the environment changes.
2.C. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both asexual and sexual reproduction?

Advantages Disadvantages Asexual reproduction: No mate needed. Many offspring produced quickly: No variation in the offspring. Sexual reproduction: Genetic variation in the offspring. Requires both sexes to participate.

Sexual reproduction - Simple English Wikipedia the free ...

Asexual reproduction - Simple English Wikipedia the free ...

Ascomycota - Wikipedia

Asexual reproduction - Wikipedia

Advantages: More variation assists with survival. It increases the chance that at least some offspring of a parent survive. To give an example suppose a deadly infection occurs in the population. Greater variety increases the chance that some of the population will survive. Disadvantages: Requires two parents. So supposing the total number of eggs to be the same a population reproducing …

Asexual reproduction in starfish takes place by fission or through autotomy of arms. In fission the central disc breaks into two pieces and each portion the...

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