Answer: Ne
Which of these elements does not exist as a diatomic molecule?

Diatomic molecules are molecules composed of only two atoms of the same or different chemical elements. The prefix di- is of Greek origin meaning "two". If a diatomic molecule consists of two atoms of the same element such as hydrogen (H2) or oxygen (O2) then it is said to be homonuclear. Otherwise if a diatomic molecule consists of two different atoms such as carbon monoxide (CO) or nitric oxide (NO) the molecule is said to be heteronuclear. The bond in a homonuclear diatomic molecule is non-polar.

The latest addition to the article says that "only a few diatomics are found to be naturally-occurring on Earth. These are hydrogen (H2) nitrogen (N2) oxygen (O2) and the halogens: fluorine (F2) chlorine (Cl2) bromine (Br2) iodine (I2) and astatine (At2)". I'm not sure this list is correct.

Dihelium (He-He) is a hypothetical molecule and MO theory helps to explain why dihelium does not exist in nature. The MO diagram for dihelium looks very similar to that of dihydrogen but each helium has two electrons in its 1s atomic orbital rather than one for hydrogen so there are now four electrons to place in the newly formed molecular ...

Diatomic molecule - Wikipedia

Diatomic molecule - Wikipedia

Diatomic molecule - Wikipedia

Molecular orbital diagram - Wikipedia

Astatine is a chemical element with the symbol At and atomic number 85. It is the rarest naturally occurring element in the Earth's crust occurring only as the decay product of various heavier elements . All of astatine's isotopes are short-lived; the most stable is astatine-210 with a half-life of 8.1 hours. A sample of the pure element has never been assembled because any macroscopic ...

Difluorine. While an individual fluorine atom has one unpaired electron molecular fluorine (F 2) has all the electrons paired.This makes ...

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