Answer: Balance of power
What was one important effect resulting from the political changes made at the Congress of Vienna?

Sat Mar 16 2002 13:30:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) · The Congress of Vienna (French: Congrès de Vienne German: Wiener Kongress) of 1814–1815 was one of the most important international diplomatic conferences in European history reconstituting the European political order after the …

Then in 1974 Congress passed significant amendments to the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (FECA) creating the most comprehensive effort by the federal government to date to regulate federal campaign contributions and spending. President Gerald Ford signed the …

The events of 1848 were the product of mounting social and political tensions after the Congress of Vienna of 1815. During the "pre-March" period the already conservative Austrian Empire moved further away from ideas of the Age of Enlightenment restricted freedom of the press limited many university activities and banned fraternities. Conflicts between debtors and creditors in agriculturalproduction as well as over land use rights in parts o…

History of Vienna - Wikipedia

Unification of Germany - Wikipedia

New Imperialism - Wikipedia

On March 13 seven days before Napoleon reached Paris the powers at the Congress of Vienna declared him an outlaw; four days later the United Kingdom Russia Austria and Prussia members of the Seventh Coalition bound themselves to put 150 000 men each into the field to end his rule.

The Congress of Vienna took place from November 1814 to June 1815 in Vienna Austria and brought together representatives from over 200 European polities. The Congress of Vienna created a new international world order which was based on two main ideologies: restoring and safeguarding power balancing in Europe; and collective responsibility for peace and ...

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