Answer: scorch- earth policy
What strategy did Czar Alexander I use?

Alexander I was the Emperor of Russia (Tsar) from 1801 the first King of Congress Poland from 1815 and the Grand Duke of Finland from 1809 to his death. He was the eldest son of Emperor Paul I and Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg. Born in Saint Petersburg to Grand Duke Paul Petrovich later Paul I Alexander succeeded to the throne after his father was murdered. He ruled Russia during the …

Alexander I was the Emperor of Russia (Tsar) from 1801 the first King of Congress Poland from 1815 and the Grand Duke of Finland from 1809 to his death. He was the eldest son of Emperor Paul I and Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg. Born in Saint Petersburg to Grand Duke Paul Petrovich later Paul I Alexander succeeded to the throne after his father was murdered. He ruled Russia during the chaotic period of the Napoleonic Wars. As prince and during the early years of his reign Alexander often used liberal rhetoric but continued Russia's absolutist policies in practice. In the first years of his reign he initiated some minor social reforms and (in 1803–04) major liberal educational reforms such as building more universities. Alexander appointed Mikhail Speransky the son of a village priest as one of his closest advisors. The Collegia was abolished and replaced by the State Council which was created to improve legislation. Plans were also made to set up a parliament and sign a constitution. In foreign policy he changed Russia's position relative to France four times between 1804 and 1812 among neutrality opposition and alliance. In 1805 he joined Britain in the War of the Third Coalition against Napoleon but after suffering massive defeats at the battles of Austerlitz and Friedland he switched sides and formed an alliance with Napoleon by the Treaty of Tilsit (1807) and joined Napoleon's Continental System. He fought a small-scale naval war against Britain between 1807 and 1812 as well as a short war against Sweden (1808–09) after Sweden's refusal to join the Continental System. Alexander and Napoleon hardly agreed especially regarding Poland and the alliance collapsed by 1810. Alexander's greatest triumph came in 1812 when Napoleon's invasion of Russia proved to be a catastrophic disaster for the French. As part of the winning coalition against Napoleon he gained territory in Finland and Poland. He formed the Holy Alliance to suppress revolutionary movements in Europe which he saw as immoral threats to legitimate … Read more on Wikipedia

Alexander was born on 23 December 1777 in Saint Petersburg and he and his younger brother Constantine were raised by their grandmother Catherine . Some sources allege that she planned to remove her son (Alexander's father) Paul I from the succession altogether. From the free-thinking atmosphere of the court of Catherine and his Swiss tutor Frédéric-César de La Harpe

Alexander was born on 23 December 1777 in Saint Petersburg and he and his younger brother Constantine were raised by their grandmother Catherine . Some sources allege that she planned to remove her son (Alexander's father) Paul I from the succession altogether. From the free-thinking atmosphere of the court of Catherine and his Swiss tutor Frédéric-César de La Harpe he imbibed the principles of Rousseau s gospel of humanity. But from his military governor Nikolay Saltykov he imbibed the traditions of Russian autocracy. Andrey Afanasyevich Samborsky whom his grandmother chose for his religious instruction was an atypical unbearded Orthodox priest . Samborsky had long lived in England and taught Alexander (and Constantine) excellent English very uncommon for potential Russian autocrats at the time. On 9 October 1793 when Alexander was still 15 years old he married 14-year-old Princess Louise of Baden who took the name Elizabeth Alexeievna. His grandmother was the one who presided over his marriage to the young princess. Until his grandmother's death he was constantly walking the line of allegiance between his grandmother and his father. His steward Nikolai Saltykov helped him navigate the political landscape engendering dislike for his grandmother and dr...

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