Answer: exclusive trading rights
What is a sphere of influence?

In the field of international relations a sphere of influence (SOI) is a spatial region or concept division over which a state or organization has a level of cultural economic military or political exclusivity. While there may be a formal alliance or other treaty obligations between the influenced and influencer such formal arrangements are not necessary and the influence can often be more of an example of soft power. Similarly a formal alliance does not necessarily mean that one country lies within another's sph…

A sphere of influence (SOI) in astrodynamics and astronomy is the oblate-spheroid-shaped region around a celestial body where the primary gravitational influence on an orbiting object is that body. This is usually used to describe the areas in the Solar System where planets dominate the orbits of surrounding objects such as moons despite the presence of the much more massive but distant Sun. In the patched conic approximation used in estimating the trajectories of bodies moving between the neighbourhoods of different masses using a two body approximation ellipses and hyperbolae the SOI is taken a…

A sphere of influence (SOI) in astrodynamics and astronomy is the oblate-spheroid-shaped region around a celestial body where the primary gravitational influence on an orbiting object is that body. This is usually used to describe the areas in the Solar System where planets dominate the orbits of surrounding objects such as moons despite the presence of the much more massive but distant Sun. In the patched conic approximation used in estimating the trajectories of bodies moving between the neighbourhoods of different masses using a two body approximation ellipses and hyperbolae the SOI is taken as the boundary where the trajectory switches which mass field it is influenced by. The general equation describing the radius of the sphere ${\displaystyle r_{SOI}}$ of a planet: ${\displaystyle r_{SOI}\approx a\left({\frac {m}{M}}\right)^{2/5}}$ where ${\displaystyle a}$ is the semimajor axis of the smaller object's (usually a planet's) or...

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