Answer: -the ability of some viruses to transfer information from RNA to DNA
What is an exception to the central dogma?

After protein amino acid sequences have been translated from nucleic acid chains they can be edited by appropriate enzymes. Although this is a form of protein affecting protein sequence not explicitly covered by the central dogma there are not many clear examples where the associated concepts of the two fields have much to do with each other. An intein is a "parasitic" segment of a protein that is able to excise itself from the chain of amino acids a…

The central dogma represents the flow of information in the cell and is based on solid scientific evidence and any exceptions are just modifications that occur after protein synthesis. Molecular biology IS reductionist since it describes processes at the molecular level.

Central dogma of molecular biology - Wikipedia

Dogma in the Catholic Church - Wikipedia

Dogma in the Catholic Church - Wikipedia

Dogma in the Catholic Church - Wikipedia

A dogma of the Catholic Church is defined as "a truth revealed by God which the magisterium of the Church declared as binding." The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: . The Church's Magisterium asserts that it exercises the authority it holds from Christ to the fullest extent when it defines dogmas that is when it proposes in a form obliging Catholics to an irrevocable adherence of ...

Palamism is a central element of Eastern Orthodox theology being made into dogma in the Eastern Orthodox Church by the Hesychast councils. Palamism has been described as representing "the deepest assimilation of the monastic and dogmatic traditions combined with a repudiation of the philosophical notion of the exterior wisdom".

The Catholic Church opposes all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy a zygote blastocyst embryo or fetus since it holds that "human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.From the first moment of his existence a human being must be...

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