Answer: it is not concepts
Joint education is based on joint _____ and should reflect the deliberate iterative and continuous nature of joint force development.
Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) is a form of Professional Military Education (PME) in the United States that emphasizes a multiservice approach. Joint Professional Military Education was established following greater awareness during World War II of a need for effective cooperation between the branches of the United States armed forces. ...
A joint is a break of natural origin in the continuity of either a layer or body of rock that lacks any visible or measurable movement parallel to the surface (plane) of the fracture ("Mode 1" Fracture). Although they can occur singly they most frequently occur as joint sets and systems. A joint set is a family of parallel evenly spaced joints that can be identified through mapping and ...
Strategy is defined as "the determination of the basic long-term goals of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals." Strategies are established to set direction focus effort define or clarify the organization and provide consistency or guidance in response to the environment.
Social development theory attempts to explain qualitative changes in the structure and framework of society that help the society to better realize aims and objectives. Development can be defined in a manner applicable to all societies at all historical periods as an upward ascending movement featuring greater levels of energy efficiency quality productivity complexity comprehension ...
Joint Base Balad. In addition to the above bases Joint Base Balad was created as part of a combination of bases in Iraq.It was handed over to the Iraqi Air Force in 2011 as the United States military withdrew from the nation. Joint Base Balad operated under the direction of CENTCOM.Two...

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